About Cookies & Cocktails

I started this blog because I needed a hobby that would fulfill my love of baking with the occasional cooked meal thrown in the mix and as a salute to my Aunt Mary. My great aunt was a phenomenal person who spent her 93 years with our family, her friends, and baking some of the best cookies and breads this side of the North Shore. Everything I love about baking stemmed from countless hours spent in her kitchen. Upon finding a drawer full of her recipes, I decided to begin an adventure into baking/cooking its contents (except for the tomato aspics).Yes, the ghetto version of Julie & Julia... there will be no beef bourgogne cooked in this kitchen.

That description covers the cookie portion of the title. Now onto the cocktails...
My aunt liked her cocktails. Many a family dinner was and still is tweaked by the consumption of a few glasses of wine or a martini poured with a heavy hand. I would never call us drunks....just social drinkers who tend to socialize quite a bit. Mary had a glass of wine EVERY NIGHT and lived to the ripe old age of 93! There is something to be said about that. 

Naturally, this hobby does not pay the bills or for the bottles of wine, so I am a special education teacher "during the day". I love my job, students, and coworkers (...I am only 27, so I am sure that my enthusiasm will change as my years in the job field progress). I watch my weight like a broker watches stocks and I am a lifer on weight watchers who occasionally drinks her points on the weekends, so I will nibble at all of these recipes, but the majority of the baked goods will go to my husband, family, friends and coworkers (teachers and paraprofessionals will eat anything).

So cheers to an endeavor which salutes a magnificent woman whose life was full of love, laughter, and libations. Happy Baking and Glass Clinking! 

Rachel & Aunt Mary (Christmas 1983)


  1. love it so far Rachel. Can't wait for the next installment

  2. I think you should do some main dishes too. People will think we had an unbalanced childhood.

  3. Rachel- this is the BEST!!!!! I feel like I got my love of baking from Aunt Mary too! Maybe I was an "honorary" cousin or something (even if a wee bit older than you...) and have great memories of her wonderful cookies and spending time in her kitchen as well as playing with her candles. I also remember babysitting you when you were about as big as you are in that picture :)

